Podcast Ep. 18 – The One in the Joy T-shirt

Podcast Ep. 18 – The One in the Joy T-shirt

Finished projects

  • Rina Leyton's Alegría shirt that I knitted with Bamboo from Revesderecho . It's a beautiful shirt, and it was my project for the Chilean KAL called #cachaielkal2022 . A pleasure to have seen Rina's talent as a designer, who already has many patterns and all of them are very beautiful.
  • Another project I finished is a sweatshirt I knitted for my daughter. I am making samples to replicate it in adult size with small corrections. I made it with Rosários 4 Jardim .

In progress

  • I started my second Twinkle by Midori Hirose and I am delighted again. I am very happy with this new choice of colors and yarns. I knit the yoke or bodice with daruma genmou from CDA and the body withBaby Alpaca from Emporio Alpaca .
  • Satawal T-shirt by Midori Hirose. Have I already told you that she is my favorite designer? I'm knitting it with a strand of Isager Trio and a strand of sugar cane from Surknitters .
  • And in the MKAL of westknits I'm going slowly but surely. If you want you can see how I'm doing on my Ravelry project page.


Thank you very much for watching me!
Until next time!

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